Well, here is goes. The first official blog. I don't know what to say [write], or if anyone is going to read it. I just know that life, has been pretty rediculous lately. I have food on my table, money in my pocket, and abundance of clothing, and I'm getting a wonderful education. Since I have all this, I should not be sad, angry, or have bad days. I should be yippy skippy all day long and go solve the world's problems. WRONG. This was my train of thought though, I felt that I couldn't be down, so I just pretended like nothing was wrong. [Take my word, this is stupid] Some think that everything happens for a reason, but my views are changing on this a bit. A baby is killed in a car wreck...Did God WANT this to happen? I can't think that he would, but I do know that we are not mourning alone. God is there, through our suffering. He's there in our friends, our family, and in our hearts. That doesn't mean it is easier. It's never easy to lose a child, a brother, a sister who would have just graduated High School, a Mother to heart disease, a Dad from Lung Cancer. God doesn't expect us to shrug it off and smile the next day. Through the tears, the hugs, the prayers, and the unconditional love of God, the pain will be easier to manage, and we can get through it.
I've been reading a book. You see, I grew up in a conservative family, and now I'm going to a pretty liberal college. At least a liberal college for the quite conservative town that I'm in. I didn't even know what liberal meant before college. I thought they were all "Tree Huggers", and that they all wanted Peace. Well, whats wrong with loving the environment and not fighting with each other? You may be thinking "She turned liberal". Well your wrong, I turned nothing. You know how hard it is to turn "nothing"? I can't find an identity in politics, and currently, my religion, or denominations more so, is following in the same footsteps. I grew up baptist, went to a methodist church for the last three years, and now, I'm a nothing. I'm a Christian, but more than that, I'm a 21 year old girl who loves people with the love that God has filled me with. That's not easy either. It's hard to LOVE people you don't like [is it even possible?] It's really hard to Love people who don't like, much less LOVE, you back. It's hard to love people who live very different lifestyles than you. Ones that, well, maybe you don't agree with. BUT, isn't that what its all about? Not just loving the neighbors you like, but all of them? God didn't say, Love your neighbor, but not if they are homosexual. Don't love them if they are atheist, agnostic, homeless, adulterers, and criminals. HA! He said, LOVE THEM ALL!! I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I can quote the whole Bible, I can't. But, I do know that no where does it say Love SOME of your neighbors.
Alright. That's all for now. I shall leave you with this:
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse [human beings], who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers [and sisters], this should not be." --James 3:8-10